Monday, November 12, 2007

BCS Poll Must Go!

If this year doesn't wake up the NCAA authorities to give the fans what we want, a playoff system, then no season will. It seems like every week the top teams are falling only to be replaced with new teams that will fall as well. Is it that hard to figure out. Is it really that complicated? I mean, I thought of this in under 10 minutes, yet it's been almost 10 years and the NCAA remains passive. Their are two easy solutions.

First option, win your conference you move onto the BCS Playoffs. Use the bowl games that are already in place to host the BCS Playoffs.

Second option, take the top 10-12 BCS ranked teams and have them fight for the National Championship in a playoff system using the bowl games that are already in place to host those playoff games.

Was that so hard to do NCAA? It's not rocket science. It's only going to make your jobs easier and become less prone to criticism. Make it right. This current system is a joke.

BCS Top 10 Rankings
2 Oregon
3 Kansas
4 Oklahoma
5 Missouri
6 West Virginia
7 Ohio State
8 Arizona State
9 Georgia
10 Virginia Tech


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