Thursday, November 29, 2007

Rules for Pitching Success

In 1908 Baseball Magazine published an article titled, "Rules for Pitching Success". The article was written by pitching legend Cy Young...yes THAT Cy Young.

Young had the six commandments of pitching. Here they are:
  1. Pitchers, like poets, are born, not made.
  2. Cultivate good habits: Let liquor severly alone, fight shy of cigarettes and be moderate in indulgence of tobacco, coffee and tea...
    A player should try to get along without any stimulants at all. Water, pure cool water is good enough for any man.

  3. A man who is not willing to work from dewy morn until weary eve should not think about becoming a pitcher.

  4. Learn to be patient and cool. These traits can be cultivated.

  5. Take the slumps that come your way, ride over them and look forward.

  6. Until you can put the ball over the pan whenever you choose, you have not acquired the command necessary to make a first-class pitcher. Therefore start to acquire the command.

Thanks Cy for the advice. These wise words still hold true in today's game.

+ + +

With the holiday seasons coming up I'll be passing along some online coupons to sports stores so check back throughout December. First one, if you have any kids the best site for baseball equipment is Baseball Express. I don't have any coupons for them, but check this page out for links to the Baseball Express clearance and discounted areas.


Phillip Santillan said...

do these rules apply to softball?

R. LeBaron said...

After reading rule #2, I think we can tell what he would have thought about steroids- lol.